Athletics NZ AGM and Connections Conference Update

October 13, 2021
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The 2021 Athletics New Zealand Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place as an online only event on November 6.

The AGM had been scheduled to take place on November 6 at Mystery Creek, Hamilton but given the Covid restrictions around parts of New Zealand the decision has been made to make the AGM an online event. All other matters relating the 134th Athletics New Zealand AGM remain unchanged.

Individuals who had already registered for the AGM at Mystery Creek will need to re-register for the online AGM. To register for the online AGM Click Here

The online AGM will use Zoom and can be accessed using a laptop/computer or smartphone.

The 2021 Athletics NZ Connections Conference (formerly known as Club Connect), which had been due to take on the same day as the AGM in Hamilton will now be run as a series of webinars.

The conference to ‘connect, learn and enable’ is an opportunity for clubs, centres, partners/stakeholders and Athletics New Zealand staff to connect annually, share best practice and apply the learnings to their athletics communities. 

The theme of the conference is ‘Great Experiences in Athletics’ with key topics for discussion including:

● Distance Running – ‘Providing great experiences for the distance running community’

Facilitated by Athletics NZ Community Manager Hamish Meacheam, this forum will explore what our members are doing to grow participation in distance running in their clubs.

● The Teenage Question – ‘How do we retain more teenagers in the sport?’

Facilitated by Athletics NZ Young People’s Lead Fiona Maisey we will engage with our panel of experts to explore the key issues around teenage dropout and focus on solutions for retention of youth in our sport.

● Inclusion & Diversity – ‘How do we attract and retain more people in our sport?’

Facilitated by Stuart Savage, Athletics NZ Club Development Lead, this panel will explore how to encourage new members and retain our current ones by sharing good examples of inclusion and diversity in athletics clubs and our communities.

The registration process for the webinars plus timings will be communicated as soon as possible.

