Colgate Games Update

December 6, 2021
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Following excellent entry numbers for the 2022 Colgate Games we are delighted to confirm the North and South Island events will go ahead in January.

Last week we announced that the North Island Games at Newtown Park, Wellington from 7-9 January and the South Island Games – hosted at Surrey Park, Invercargill from January 14-16 – could proceed in line with current government guidelines including Sport NZ and the Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet.

However, this was under the proviso that both events would attract sufficient numbers ahead of the entry deadline which closed at 11.59pm on Sunday 5 December.

Thankfully, entry numbers have held up well despite the challenging past few months and we are excited that the iconic annual event for children aged 7-14 will go ahead as planned.

Athletics NZ CEO Pete Pfitzinger said: “We are delighted with the level of entries received and really pleased that both the Colgate Games North and South Island can go ahead. The Colgate Games are a highlight of the summer calendar and we are committed to holding a fun and safe event.”

Both the Wellington and Southland regions are currently at orange in the new traffic light system which forms the new Covid-19 Protection Framework. Note, for the event to go ahead both regions will need to be at orange or green light.

The Colgate Games is a vaccination pass event with all attendees aged 12 years and three months and older needing to hold a vaccination pass to attend the event. Additional information on venue access protocols will be made available next week.

For clarification those who need to hold a vaccine pass (all those aged 12 and three months and above) includes athletes, officials, volunteers, vendors, team managers, coaches, parents and spectators.
