ITM in Christchurch to go ahead as planned

January 30, 2022
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Organisers have confirmed that the 2022 International Track Meet – will go ahead as scheduled at Nga Puna Wai, Christchurch on Saturday February 26.

The inaugural event took place in 2009 and for the first time in its history – and in line with the red traffic light settings for gatherings – spectators will be excluded from being present track side. However, the 2022 event will be livestreamed via the International Track Meet website and the Sky Sport Next YouTube Channel so everyone can access the action and the best of the athlete interviews.

The ITM will feature eighteen World Athletics Continental Tour Events with NZ’s best athletes competing in one of two sessions of less than 100 athletes and coaches. A third bubble of less than 100 volunteers, officials and staff will ensure the organisation of the meet.

The FAST Five, a scratch start, teams-based and a 5km road run finishing on the athletics track at Nga Puna Wai – historically an integral part of the ITM weekend – has been postponed but will be reintroduced as part of the 2023 International Track Me

The International Track and Field Trust, the charitable organisation that delivers International Track Meet has also made the tough decision to forgo our corporate luncheon and hosting programme. As a result, the event is projected to make an operating loss in 2022. The Trust has committed to running the 2022 International Track Meet for the athletes.

The event alongside the Sir Graeme Douglas International in Auckland on February 20 is one of two New Zealand meets with World Athletics Continental Tour bronze status.

