Key event information for Sir Graeme Douglas International presented by Harcourts Cooper & Co and the Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championships

February 16, 2022
Featured image for “Key event information for Sir Graeme Douglas International presented by Harcourts Cooper & Co and the Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championships”

We are delighted to be able to deliver the Sir Graeme Douglas International presented by Harcourts Cooper & Co in Auckland on Sunday 20 February and the Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championships in Hastings from Thursday-Sunday 3-6 March.

However, as you can appreciate, the red traffic light settings has not made event delivery easy. We have been forced to modify and manage our key events to ensure they adhere to government protocols.

To make certain that these events continue to form the peak of the New Zealand track and field calendar in 2022 everybody in the athletics community need to play their part.

As you should now all be aware the 2022 Sir Graeme Douglas International presented by Harcourts Cooper & Co in Auckland and the Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championships in Hastings will go ahead without spectators and only key support personnel will be allowed to attend.

All meet attendees in their pod/event grouping will have designated areas of the event grounds. Each pod will have a specific entrance/exit point at the facility with specific viewing areas and bathroom facilities. While we all love and embrace the social aspects to our sport, it is critical that competing athletes in pods maintain social distancing as much as possible within the competition arena and other designated areas.

We all care passionately about our wonderful sport, but to ensure it proceeds in its modified form at a red traffic light setting it is more important than ever we take the time to read all the information provided.

And please remember that if you have been sick or recovering or if you are feeling symptomatic do not attend the meet and follow the Ministry of Health advice.

We thank you all for your co-operation and understanding in these challenging and exceptionally demanding times. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

For those attending or wishing to attend the Sir Graeme Douglas International presented by Harcourts Cooper & Co should all read the below carefully:

Athlete information here

For Friend Partner of Family Member and Coach application info here

For venue access map go here

For occupation map go here

For athletes/coaches map go here

For key support personnel planning to attend the 2022 Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championships in Hastings it is also necessary to complete a registration form found and await approval from Athletics NZ that your application as an essential worker or registered coach has been accepted. More information and a link to registration form can be found here

Everyone can follow the action at the 2022 Sir Graeme Douglas International presented by Harcourts Cooper & Co on Sky Sport 9 and for free by registering with Sky Sport Now. Register on Sunday 20 February from 3.30pm by heading to

The 2022 Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championships from 3-6 March will be livestreamed on Sky Sport Next.

***Dependent on increasing Covid-19 case numbers and/or further government restrictions, the above protocols may need to be tightened further.
