Athletics New Zealand has updated its guidance in regards to athletics activity under Alert Levels 1 and 2.
As of Tuesday 22 September, most of New Zealand is now at Alert Level 1.
As of Thursday 24 September, Auckland will be at Alert Level 2.
There is no indication yet from the government in terms of how long these alert levels will be in place but athletics activities in all parts of the country can still continue, albeit with some modifications.
At Alert Level 2 it is mandatory for organisations (including clubs and centres) to display a QR code for the NZ COVID Tracer app if they are operating out of their own facility. The process is easy for clubs and centres, for more information please click here
For detailed information from Athletics NZ on athletics activity under Alert Level 2 in Auckland please click here
For a handy club support resource on athletics under Alert Level 2 please click here
For detailed information from Athletics NZ on athletics activity under Alert Level 1 in the rest of New Zealand please click here
Athletics NZ is closely monitoring the situation and will provide further updates on our website and social media.
If you are unsure on athletics activity in your region, please contact your centre or club.
For further government advice please visit covid19.govt.nz
Please follow government advice and stay safe.