Network, share and be inspired at the 2021 Connections Conference
The 2021 Athletics NZ Connections Conference (formerly Club Connect) and Annual General Meeting will be held on 4 September 2021 at Mystery Creek in Hamilton with the NZ Road Race Championships the following day.
The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Great Experiences in Athletics’ and we are gathering a great range of panellists to lead some important conversations. Attendance is free to all club members, all clubs are encouraged to consider sending a delegate to the Connections Conference, who can then also vote at the Annual General Meeting, providing your club registered prior to 6 July.
Nominations are still open for several important posts, and we are yet to receive nominations for Vice President and Club Appointee to the Board Appointments Panel. More information on the Connections Conference can be found here. And more information on the Annual General Meeting, including a link to register, can be found here.
Date 4th September 2021
Time 9.30am-3pm
Venue Mystery Creek, Hamilton
Purpose Connect, Learn, Enable
Theme Great Experiences in Athletics
The conference will precede the 134th ANZ AGM and is an opportunity for clubs, centres, partners/stakeholders and ANZ staff to connect annually, share best practice and apply the learnings to their Athletics communities. Key features will be panels with discussion and Q&A on:
1. Distance Running
Focus: A discussion on alternate ways to deliver distance running and engaging with your members.
2. Rangatahi Retention
Focus: Exploring how to retain teenagers in the sport.
3. Coaching within Clubs
Focus: A focus on youth coaches, squad coaches, club coaches, different ways to deliver coaching.
4. Inclusivity & Diversity within Clubs
Focus: An understanding of how/why to encourage inclusivity and diversity in clubs with good examples of this happening at a community level in the sport