The Throw like a girl programme has now been running for 6 months providing the chance for young female athletes to come and give throwing a go. Many of the TLAG athletes, both para and able body, have now integrated into regular training squads. Last weekend John Eden’s training squad, their families and special guests got together as part of a fun monthly training and educational session.
Kirsten Hellier was the special guest and helped with the coaching of one of the groups. Following training a lunch was organised by the parents, Papakura Athletic and Harriers club and sponsored by the Papakura Marae. After refueling an educational session was held, with Kirsten staying on for a Question & Answer session with the group. To further the athletes own learning and to give back to the sport the day finished with athletes coaching a group Halberg kids. A big thanks goes out to Papakura Athletic and Harrier Club, the coaches and the families involved with the day..
Athletics New Zealand would also like to acknowledge and thank the Auckland Airport Community Trust, Olympic Solidarity and the New Zealand Olympic Committee for helping to launch TLAG and funding of equipment for the TLAG programme and the setting up of the Home of Throws at the Pulman Park that is currently in development. Thank you also to Grassroots Community Trust for their support of the Home of Throws.