Athletics NZ in partnership with Race Walking New Zealand is set to introduce an exhibition race walking event for seven to nine-year olds at the 2022 Colgate Games.
The move was triggered by recently retired race-walking international Alana Barber who saw an opportunity for younger kids to get involved and try their hand at the event.
Alana says her appetite for the move was prompted after a conversation with Christchurch-based coach Rozie Robinson who successfully trialled a ‘Have a Go’ race walking night for younger kids at Selwyn Athletics Club and within Athletics Canterbury.
“Rozie said the kids, particularly those in the young age groups, adapted very easily to the race walking technique,” explains Alana, who appeared for New Zealand in the 20km race walk at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.
“Participating around Europe, I’d also seen kids of this age competing in race walks while Little Athletics in Australia also offer race walks for younger kids. To me, there seemed like no good reason why we wouldn’t offer race walking to younger children.”
Traditionally the Colgate Games has offered race walking for those aged ten and above, however following support for the introduction of an exhibition event from Athletics NZ and Race Walking New Zealand – those in the seven to nine-year-old age bracket will be given the chance to race walk one lap of the track at the 2022 North Island and South Island Colgate Games.
The event will be untimed with no place-getters and no race walking judging. However, all participants will be offered some on-the-day race walking coaching advice.
“Race Walking has long been available for athletes aged 10 and over but it’s great to be able to introduce this discipline to a younger age group,” explains Athletics NZ Young People’s Lead Fiona Maisey. “Athletics has something for every body and race walking might just be the event your child has been wanting to try. The seven to nine-year-old event is simply about having a go and putting into practice what the youngsters have learned about race walking.”
Alana, the 2018 Commonwealth Games 20km race walk silver medallist who coaches a group of younger race walkers in Auckland, hopes the introduction of the exhibition event into the Colgate Games programme will act as a boost to participation in the sport
“You learn to walk before you run and the introduction of the exhibition event is a great start,” she explains. “We then want to try and keep that momentum going and we hope that by tasting race walking, kids will be able to see the different opportunities that the sport brings.”
The 2022 North Island Colgate Games will take place in Wellington on Jan 7-9 with the South Island Colgate Games in Invercargill on Jan 14-16.
*If you would like to find out more about race walking and how to get involved please contact Race Walking New Zealand find out more here