20 September update: Athletics under Alert Levels 2 & 3

September 20, 2021
Featured image for “20 September update: Athletics under Alert Levels 2 & 3”

Athletics NZ has updated advice previously released on 6 September.

As of 11.59pm on Tuesday 21 September, Auckland will move to Alert Level 3, while the rest of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 2. Alert Levels will be reviewed on Monday October 4.

In alignment with government advice, no organised Athletics or group trainings are allowed to take place at either Alert Level 3, and those wishing to continue training must do so in alignment with government guidelines. Athletics NZ has produced Community Guidelines for Alert Level 2-3, and all clubs are encouraged to review and follow these guidelines.

At Alert Level 2, Athletics activities can continue, as long as groups and individuals follow all relevant government guidelines. Athletics NZ has conformed the content of the Level 2 Club Support booklet which is designed to provide practical advice and guidance to clubs wishing to begin activities at Level 2.

For further details on the measures that we need to follow under Alert Level 3 and Alert Level 2, please visit the New Zealand Covid-19 Website.

If you have any questions, please call or email the Athletics NZ Community Manager, Hamish Meacheam:
E: [email protected]
M: 027 324 1976

