Governance & resources
2022-2026 Strategic Plan
The Athletics New Zealand 2022-2026 Strategic Plan was created with input from members, clubs and centre representatives, and other stakeholders who are essential to our sport.
The output of our consultation is a Strategic Plan that is evolutionary rather than revolutionary. It includes five Strategic Goals to focus our resources and efforts, while making sure the day-to-day priorities, such as supporting clubs, centres, athletes, coaches and officials, are still front of mind:
- Year on year increase in rangatahi (12-18 years) participation and member retention in athletics
- Introduce flexible membership options that match needs and support growth
- Introduce new and improved events
- Implement best practice athlete wellbeing and member welfare support across athletics
- Increase in reliable and sustainable revenue
We have big ambitions for the future of athletics and want to be proud of what we achieve as a community.
138th Athletics New Zealand Annual General Meeting
The AGM document links below will become live as they are finalised in line with the AGM Constitutional Timeline
Date: TBC
Venue: TBC
Registration: Click here
Contact for more information: Susan de Alwis – [email protected]
Integrity & Judicial Matters
Athletics New Zealand is committed to ensuring that high standards of integrity and safety are upheld by all persons involved in the sport of Athletics in New Zealand. This includes ensuring that any allegations of misconduct are investigated, and where appropriate, progressed through the appropriate judicial processes.
This can be under Athletics New Zealand’s own ‘Judicial Regulation’, or by referral to other organisations (such as the Police, the Sport Integrity Commission (incorporating the former role of Drug Free Sport New Zealand), or other bodies).
On this section you will find a link to Athletics New Zealand’s policies relating to integrity, child protection, and other judicial matters, and information about cases which have arisen in the sport.
If you have any concerns regarding breaches of integrity, or alleged misconduct, in the sport of athletics in New Zealand, then you can report those matters to us by contacting us by email at [email protected].
Integrity and Judicial Resources
There are a number of integrity related resources available to participants in our sport. Here is series of links to integrity and judicial resources within Athletics New Zealand and more broadly in New Zealand sport: