News & Updates

20 August 2021 • General

Update: Athletics under Alert Level 4

Athletics NZ has updated advice previously released on 17 August. Remember, at Alert Level 4 it is likely that Covid-19 is not contained in the community, and there is a risk of community transmission and widespread outbreaks.

All of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 4 until 11:59pm on Friday 27 August, with a review on Friday. Auckland will remain at Alert Level 4 until 11:59pm on Tuesday 31 August 2021, with a review on Monday. Athletics NZ will provide further updates as soon as practical. However, it is important to note that, due to the differences in the delta variant of Covid-19, the sport guidance under Alert Level 3 and Alert Level 2 is likely to differ from advice previously issued from Athletics NZ and our stakeholders.

In alignment with government advice, no organised Athletics or group trainings are allowed to take place, and those wishing to continue training must do so in alignment with the Level 4 guidelines, specifically:

  • You are allowed to exercise, both at home and in your immediate neighbourhood.
  • If you are exercising, it must be solitary, or with those you live with.
  • You must try to maintain 2m distance from anyone who is not in your ‘bubble’.
  • Do not do activities that may require search and rescue services, for example, do not go swimming, surfing, boating, hunting or tramping.
  • If you are unwell, do NOT go outside.
  • Remember that public facilities like gyms, playgrounds etc. must be closed.

The NZ Road Race Championships, Athletics NZ Annual General Meeting and Connections Conference have been postponed to the weekend of 6/7 November 2021 at Mystery Creek in Hamilton. 

For further details on the measures that we need to follow under Alert Level 4, please visit the New Zealand Covid-19 Website.

If you have any questions, please call or email the Athletics NZ Community Manager, Hamish Meacheam:
M: 027 324 1976