Athletics New Zealand wishes to advise of a Competition Regulation change to help ensure a safe environment for everyone involved in our sport.
There is an unfortunate history of misbehaviour by a small number of individuals in team support roles, coaches, and other roles in athletics. Athletics is not alone as other sports have had similar issues in New Zealand and internationally. We need to ensure a safe environment for everyone in our sport, particularly children (up to 14), young people (14-18) and vulnerable adults.
In 2020, Athletics NZ launched Community Volunteer Membership as a step forward in ensuring a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults. The objective of Community Volunteer Membership is to safeguard participants in the sport, alongside the established Community Coach Membership and Accredited Coach Membership.
The 11 Centres agreed in 2020 to a requirement for all Centre team managers and other official team support members to hold Community Volunteer Membership, Community Coach Membership or Accredited Coach Membership. The changes to the Competition Regulations now make this a requirement for Centres, rather than voluntary.
The Competition Regulations have been changed to add new Regulations 4.9 and 10.3 and amend Regulations 10.1 and C3.8.
Regulation 4 – Athletics NZ Authorised Competitions
4.9 Team Managers
All teams participating in national events under the jurisdiction of Athletics NZ, should have a Manager. Athletics NZ has a Community Volunteer Membership category for team managers and others in similar roles, which includes police vetting. Centre team managers must currently hold Community Volunteer Membership, Community Coach Membership, or Accredited Coach Membership.
Regulation 10 – Officials, Coaches and Managers Membership and Accreditation
10.1 Coaches Accreditation Scheme
Athletics NZ will have the following two types of membership for Coaches, both of which include police vetting: 1) Accredited Coach membership, and 2) Community Coach Membership. Both types of coach membership will be administered by the Athletics NZ Coach Development Lead or such other person decided by the Chief Executive.
10.2 Officials development programme (no change)
10.3 Community Volunteer Membership
Athletics NZ will have a community volunteer membership category, including police vetting, for team managers and others in similar team support roles which is administered by the Athletics NZ Community Manager or such other person decided by the Chief Executive.
Regulation C3.8 – Team Managers
All teams participating in a championship event should have a Manager meeting the requirements of Regulation 4.9.
To view the updated Athletics NZ Competition Regulation document please click here