NZSSAA Track, Field and Road Race Championships and Athletics NZ U16/U18 Athletics Championships Date Change

September 1, 2021
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As a result of the change in the dates for the commencement and conclusion of the NCEA Examination Timetable, a decision to change the dates of the championships to be hosted in Inglewood has been taken to now begin on Thursday December 16 and finish on Saturday December 18.

The NZSSAA Executive and Athletics NZ are very aware of the keen desire to hold the championships, if at all possible and are very grateful to the Taranaki Local Organising Committee for being prepared to do their best to achieve that outcome.

Except for the Day/Date changes the Guideline Programme will remain as published except that the first day of the championships will begin an hour earlier, with all events on day one of the programme advanced accordingly. The dates published in Newsletter 1, including the opening and closing of entries, will be delayed by approximately two weeks, and will be updated in Newsletter 2.

In reaching this decision NZSSAA has worked closely with School Sport NZ, and we thank them for their support. Their announcement concerning all sanctioned events affected by the change can be found here.

For any further information please contact [email protected].
