2021 Distance Camps

May 25, 2021
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The Athletics New Zealand Distance Event Group are hosting two Emerging Talent Camps in 2021.

The first will be in Rotorua from 14-16 July and the second in Hanmer from 3-5 October. The focus of the camps is Long Term Athlete Development for distance runners and provides an exciting opportunity for senior secondary school students and their coaches to hear from great presenters and train with athletes from different squads.

It is also an opportunity for coaches to share and learn from each other and the presenters. As a coach of a developing athlete, we would encourage you to attend with your athlete to maximise the benefits of ongoing learning.

The venue for this year’s Rotorua camp will be at Tui Ridge Park and applications are invited from Athletics New Zealand registered athletes aged 15 and over and their coaches to attend. Start time is lunchtime Wednesday 14 July, finish lunchtime Friday 16 July. Estimated cost for accommodation and meals will be approximately $200, with support available for ANZ-HP programme athletes and Athletics NZ accredited coaches.

Details regarding the Hanmer Camp at Hanmer Springs Forest Camp will be released at a later date.

Applications are now closed for the Rotorua distance camp.

If you have any questions, please contact Maria Hassan [email protected] or 0212266874.
