Oceania Athletics Association (“OAA”) is calling for nominations for the OAA Athletes’ Commission. Click here to view the nomination and election information.
There are 4 positions available for election and a further 3 positions will be appointed by OAA Council. The appointed positions can be chosen from candidates for election and MF nominated candidates. All nominations must be endorsed by the Athlete’s Member Federation (Athletics New Zealand).
Key Eligibility Criteria (which can also be found in the nomination and election information):
- Must be at least eighteen (18) years old.
- Must be a current registered and financial member of Athletics NZ
- Must have competed in at least one (1) of the last two (2) Oceania Area or Regional Championships, or
1. In the last Commonwealth or Olympic Games, or
2. In the World Athletics Championships in the immediate 2year period before election.
Candidates will need to advise by Friday 8 March if they wish to be considered for the position of Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the OAA Athletes’ Commission.
For other positions, candidates will need to advise by Wednesday 20 March. The nomination form can be found in the nomination and election information and must be completed in full before submitting to [email protected].
A list of candidates will be released in May and athletes competing in Senior and Para events at the 2024 Oceania Area Championships will be eligible to vote in Suva, Fiji on 1 or 6 June as per the voting booth times outlined in the nomination and election information.