Revised 2023 Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championship entry standards

December 13, 2022
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Following a review of entry standards for the 2023 Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championships at Newtown Park, Wellington 2-5 March we have eased the standards across 13 events.

A review was carried out after a concern was raised that some standards were too difficult, notably in the senior women’s events.

Athletics NZ CE Pete Pfitzinger said: “We reviewed the standards based on feedback received and made the decision to ease standards in certain events. We look forward to high participation at our new-look four-day Jennian Homes New Zealand Track & Field Championships, which will have a newly introduced under-16 component to sit alongside our traditional senior, para, under-20 and under-18 divisions.”

The events with amended entry standards are the below:

Senior women

100m: 12.54

200m: 26.00

800m: 2:18.0

1500m: 4:37.0

5000m: 18:10.0

3000m steeplechase: 12:15.0

Javelin: 35.00m

Senior men

3000m steeplechase: 10:14.0

Women’s U20

800m: 2:20.0

5000m: 19:20.0

Steeplechase: 12:30.0

Women’s U18

800m: 2:25.0

1500m: 4:46.0

***For the fully revised competition standards go here 
